16 day
Specific Tour
50 pessoas
Inglês, Espanol, Português
Presentation at New Jersey International Airport check-in procedures for boarding and flight to a EUROPEAN capital. (Dinner and Breakfast served on board).
Chegada e procedimentos de entrada no país e saída para conhecer a cidade mais visitada da Europa. Com o apoio do nosso guia local seguiremos para fazer o City Tour, passando pelas zonas mais emblemáticas da “Cidade Luz” como os Champs Elysées, Arco do Triunfo, Praça da Concórdia, Jardins do Luxemburgo, Bairro da Ópera, margens do famoso Rio Sena, Catedral de Notre Dame, Museu do Louvre, Torre Eiffel (ingresso não incluso), Trocadero, Panteão, terminando junto às famosas Galerias Lafayette. Tempo para compras, traslados ao Charles de Gaulle Airport, CHECK-IN e procedimentos embarque, para voo com destino ao Cairo no Egito. (Jantar Servido à Bordo).
Chegada, desembarque, procedimentos de entrada no país, traslado ao hotel, acomodação e descanso. Às 9h café da manhã e saída para visita emocionante a Mênfis, antiga capital do Egito, onde se pode ver uma estátua de Ramsés II com 23 toneladas, em granito rosa, também o sítio arqueológico de Saqqara, com as pirâmides escalonadas mais antigas do Egito. Em Giza visitaremos Quéops, Quéfren e Miquerinos, as mais famosas Pirâmides do planeta. Também iremos ao Templo do Vale e a Esfinge com rosto de homem e corpo de leão. Depois do almoço (não incluso), visita ao Museu do Papiro, onde assistiremos uma apresentação sobre como se faz o papel mais antigo de que se tem notícia.
After breakfast, we will head to the Cairo Museum, where we will visit the archaeological relics of Ancient Egypt, dating back 4,000 years, from the First Dynasty of the pharaohs. We will visit the riches discovered in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, the pharaoh murdered at 18 years of age, for the riches found in his tomb, One can calculate the immensity of what was the content stolen from the mortuary apparatus of the great pharaohs who ruled Egypt for longer periods. There is even a visit (optional) to the famous Mummies Room, where you can see, among others, the body of pharaoh Ramses II, ruler of Egypt when Moses freed Israel from captivity. Visit the House of Essences and the Egyptian cotton house. Transfer to hotel, accommodation, dinner and rest. In the evening, a dinner (optional) on a boat that navigates the Nile River, with a presentation of songs and typical Arabic dances. For those who prefer to stay, dinner at the hotel is included.
Breakfast and departure towards the Suez Canal, excavated between 1859 and 1869 for navigation and transport between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. The canal today is the largest source of revenue in Egypt’s economy. In the time of Moses, there were lakes and marshes named in the Bible as sea of reeds. After crossing the channel through an underground tunnel, we will reach the Bedouin village of Mara, where Moses rested with the people and turned the bitter water into drinking water. There we will see lakes and wells with salt water. Crossing the desert with its inhospitable and picturesque landscapes that reproduce the path of the Hebrew people in the Exodus, we will arrive at the Sinai peninsula and the hotel, for dinner and rest. To those who wish, in the middle of the night there will be ascent of the Mount of Moses, to the others, rest in the hotel.
Around midnight, we will leave the hotel to climb Mount Sinai, where God revealed to Moses the Ten Commandments. The Bedouin guides will be ready and will cross with the group all morning. Arriving at the top of Mount Sinai, time for prayer and meditation, photographs, etc. Descending from the mountain, arriving at the hotel around nine o'clock in the morning, we will have our breakfast and leave for a Resort on the banks of the Red Sea, near the border with Israel. Day of rest and leisure on the beaches, with other attractions that the place offers. Overnight at the same Resort, leaving at dawn to cross the border with Israel in the early hours of the morning. Hotel Le Meridien Dahab Resort or similar
Breakfast and departure to cross the border with Israel, entry procedures into the country and we will be in the seaside town of Eilat. We will have time to visit the underwater observatory and from there we will follow our journey through the Aravá desert. On the way we will know the replica of the tabernacle of the time of Moses. Continuing the journey until we reach Jericho, within the territory of the Palestinian Authority, where we will meet the sycamore of Zacchaeus. We will visit the source of Elizeu, the ruins of the walls of the time of Joshua and the view of the Mount of Temptation where, according to tradition, it is the place where Jesus was taken during the 40-day fast. Visit to the archaeological site of Qumran, where the Essenes lived. There were found the earliest known copies of all the books of the Old Testament. From there we will proceed to the Dead Sea, which has the largest concentration of salt in the world and where no one sinks. Arrival at the hotel, accommodation, time to enjoy the waters of the Dead Sea, dinner and rest. Hotel David Dead Sea Resort & spa or similar.
Após café da manhã, saída em direção a Banias, o extraordinário lugar da antiga Cesareia de Filipo, ao pé do Monte Hermon, onde Jesus previu sua própria morte e ressurreição, palco da importante confissão de Pedro, registrada em Mateus 16:16. Lá, conheceremos as nascentes do Rio Jordão nos territórios conquistados pela tribo de Dã, onde foi também escrito o Salmo 42. De volta para a região do Mar da Galileia faremos uma parada para vista panorâmica do Monte das Bem Aventuranças, onde Jesus proferiu o famoso sermão do monte, registrado em Mateus: 5 a 7. Visita a Tabgha, palco do milagre da multiplicação dos pães e peixes, visita a Cafarnaum, onde Jesus estabeleceu residência durante seu ministério na Galileia. Prosseguiremos para conhecer a Fonte de Gideão, um lugar paradisíaco que se o clima nos permitir teremos tempo para um mergulho em suas águas cristalinas. No almoço, o famoso “peixe de São Pedro”, pescado no Mar da Galileia. Em seguida prosseguiremos até o porto de Ginosar, onde embarcaremos para atravessar o Mar da Galiléia em um barco típico de madeira. Depois seguiremos o Yardenit, local construído para realização do batismo no Rio Jordão, nas águas onde João Batista batizou Jesus. Seguindo pela margem ocidental do rio Jordão, chegaremos à moderna Nazaré, onde Jesus passou sua infância e adolescência. Acomodação no hotel, jantar e descanso.
After breakfast, saying goodbye to Nazareth, we will climb to the top of Mount Precipice, from where you can have a beautiful panoramic view of the Armageddon Valley. He then visits Cana in Galilee, the site of Jesus' first miracle, when at a wedding feast he turned water into wine. Going up Mount Carmel we go to the place where the prophet Elijah invoked the presence of God and defeated the prophets of Baal. From the top of the Carmel one has another beautiful panoramic view of the Armageddon Valley on one side and the Mediterranean Sea on the other. Brief trip to the ruins of Caesarea Maritima, a city built by King Herod who served as capital of the province of Judea in the time of the New Testament. Residence of the governor Pontius Pilate and many other authorities representing the power of Rome. There lived and became the centurion Cornelius, recorded in Acts 10:1. Paul also remained imprisoned at Caesarea Maritima before being sent to Rome. Acts 22:23. In Joppa, we will make a quick visit on foot to the port where Jonah tried to flee to Tarshish. We will also see the place where Simon the tanner is traditionally said to have lived, who hosted Peter as taught in Acts 10:5. In the evening we will feel the thrill of arriving in Jerusalem and make our welcome toast and prayer at the top of Mount Scopus. Then transfer to the hotel, accommodation and rest. Hotel Ramada Jerusalem or similar.
Breakfast and early departure towards Mount Zion to visit the Upper Room, where the last supper of Jesus with his disciples and the baptism of the Holy Spirit of the days of Pentecostes took place. From there we will go to Gethsemane and the Garden of Olives, where Jesus sweated drops of blood and was arrested by the Romans. There we can take time to pray in the garden next door. Climb to the summit of the Mount of Olives, from where we have a sensational panoramic view of the Old Town and the Temple Esplanade. Time to take pictures and listen to a thorough explanation from the local guide. Lunch (not included) and visit to the Israel Museum, where we will meet the famous model of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus. Transfer to hotel, accommodation, dinner and rest. In the evening, possibility of tour (not included) in Jerusalem, the foot, with the guide. Hotel Ramada Jerusalem or similar.
Café da manhã e saída bem cedo em direção a Fortaleza Antônia, onde Jesus esteve preso enquanto aguardava o julgamento. Continuando pela Via Dolorosa até a Porta de Damasco, veremos a única porta original da época do Novo Testamento. Saindo da cidade velha, seguiremos até o Jardim do Túmulo, do lado de fora das muralhas, onde visitaremos o Gólgota, famosa colina em forma de caveira onde eram crucificados os criminosos no tempo de Jesus. Bem ao lado está o túmulo que provavelmente pertencia ao aristocrata José de Arimatéia e que foi cedido para o sepultamento de Jesus, conforme Mateus 27:57. Tempo para reflexões e celebração da Santa Ceia. Reunião de encerramento com entrega de certificados de peregrinação à Terra Santa, assinados pelo Ministro de Turismo de Israel e o prefeito de Jerusalém. Tarde livre para compras no Portal de Java, Mercado Árabe e Mamila ou descanso no hotel, à noite jantar, acomodação e descanso.
Saída do país e embarque no Aeroporto Internacional Ben Gurion, em voo com destino a New Jersey nos Estados Unidos (Café da Manhã e Almoço Servidos a Bordo). Chegada ao Aeroporto Internacional de NEWARK [EWR] procedimentos de entrada no país, desembarque e término de nossos serviços.